Dont try this at home, you will probably end up in hospital with a very serious problem. I made an xray-thumb just to give you an idea of this bizarre insertion....
2011/11/14 | Insertions | 196.317 views
Here is another proof that a special talent pays off eventually. When she started camming and doing the `normal stuff` that all girls do she earned some money, sure, but it really ...
2017/04/26 | Insertions | 100.661 views
Here is another extreme and bizarre insertion, this time not rectal but vaginal. I cant imagine that this gives her a good and nice feeling cause its just too much. Next time try a...
2010/08/16 | Insertions | 72.086 views
This looks like some kind of toy you normally give to a four-footer to play with. It seems insertions are very populair nowadays and also get more extreme and bizarre. I hope she c...
2010/08/20 | Insertions | 44.167 views