Wow, this baseball bat disappears like snow on a sunny, warm day. Unbelievable how deep it penetrates her ass, that must have taken a lot of exercising. Please do not try this at h...
2010/08/15 | Insertions | 132.652 views
Yes, back in the seventies they already had dildo`s, and big ones to! When i see women playing with a dildo i always get very horny cause i imagine its my dick they are using. This...
2010/08/13 | Insertions | 69.771 views
Extreme painful anal insertion
1978 was a good wineyear but the bottles were not less painful. This woman first gets a can inserted in her ass, lets say for warming up. After that its time for a wine bottle, dam...
2010/08/13 | Insertions | 176.513 views
Woman woman, why are you ruining your pussy like this, nobody wants to fuck your huge pussy anymore. I once had a chubby girlfriend who also had a big pussy but fucking her didnt f...
2010/08/11 | Insertions | 91.897 views
These 3 psycho dudes are testing an insane big dildo in an also psycho woman. At first i thought, that aint gonna fit, but i guess she has given birth to several kids wich has caus...
2010/08/09 | Insertions | 108.472 views
This nice looking lady gives her hubby a nice striptease. Its always nice if your lady pays so much attention for you horny needs i really appreciate that. But in this case i dont ...
2010/08/08 | Insertions | 84.957 views
Since her husband cant get it up anymore they had to find other ways to satisfy her. Also Viagra didnt help anymore and they couldnt find a dildo that was big enough for her. But i...
2010/08/03 | Insertions | 89.944 views
Aim....and fire! Never underestimate the power of the female genitalia, it can cause serious damage to all kinds of bodyparts like eyes. With the force of this woman she might even...
2010/07/26 | Insertions | 44.971 views
A so typical Japanese movie. Those people are very weird. And of course her cunt is censured. But thats no big deal cause we all know those Japanese cunts are way too hairy for us....
2010/07/26 | Insertions | 87.314 views